
The Message of Numbers: Journey to the Promised Land is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Numbers is one of the lost books of the Bible—lost because it is neglected by many Christians. Named for its two “numberings,” or censuses, of Israel—the generation that left Egypt and the generation that entered the land of promise—Numbers frames a fascinating account of the pilgrim people Israel learning to trust God. Readers are frequently puzzled by the dazzling variety of...

rebellion. Moreover, the obedience must be total, not partial; the wilderness community began by doing everything the LORD commanded (2:34). Sadly, it was a commitment not sustained. Obedience is the validating sign of authentic Christian discipleship. It is impossible to exaggerate its importance in the message of Jesus. He not only taught it but exemplified it.22 Even Jesus, we are told, ‘learned obedience’,23 not simply by accepting the inevitable limitations of an incarnate life24 but throughout
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